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Department of Environmental Sustainability and Compliance

The MTA is committed to delivering sustainable public transportation. We are doing this by building a more climate resilient transportation system, increasing the energy efficiency of our fleet and facilities, and reducing our region’s carbon footprint by taking people out of cars and putting them on mass transit.

Emissions reduction

The MTA helps avoid over 17 million metric tons of greenhouse gases annually through its operations (see our Transit Avoided Carbon section). However, we recognize the opportunity to build on this achievement by reducing emissions across our transportation and non-transportation activities.

On November 6, 2019, the MTA committed to setting a science-based carbon emission target to help keep the global temperature well-below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. The MTA will have two years to develop its target according to the Science Based Target initiative. The MTA is currently working towards setting its emissions target and evaluating different pathways towards reducing its direct, indirect, and supply chain greenhouse gas emissions.

Demand response

We participate in the New York State Independent System Operator (NYISO) and ConEd's demand response programs. The demand response programs pay large consumers to reduce their electrical usage during times of peak demand. This improves the performance and reliability of the electrical grid. 

The MTA has 35 facilities enrolled in Demand Response programs. In addition, the Department of Subways substations are enrolled as a single account. We are working on expanding enrollment and performance. 2018 Annual Demand Reduction Revenue: $1.95 million.

Carbon accounting

The MTA is a founding member of The Climate Registry. By reporting our emissions, we work to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and educate the public in the role that mass transit plays in avoiding carbon emissions.

Climate Adaption Task Force

The Climate Adaptation Task Force is an MTA-wide group involved in climate adaptation work. The Task Force brings together expertise and experience in technologies, vendors, and products; and allows for free and frank exchange between its members. It also invites individuals and groups working on climate adaptation issues in the New York metropolitan area, both in the public and private sectors as well as academia, to share knowledge and enhance the MTA’s climate preparedness.

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