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MTA Open Data Program

We have renewed our commitment to transparency and to our obligation to share our data publicly. Read about our Open Data Plan.

Updated April 18, 2022

Our open data plan

The MTA moves millions of people every day, and we work hard to build trust and confidence in MTA services. It’s critical that public transit is safe, reliable, and fast — and that the public has input on our ongoing efforts to improve. We aim to share as much data that is in the public interest as we can, and to work with the community to understand their priorities. 

Now, as part of our ongoing Open Data Program, we have published a plan that will outline all data we expect to publish and on what timeline. The plan includes information from nearly 100 datasets, including on-time performance metrics, bus speeds, customer journey-focused metrics, ridership, and more. 

The Open Data Program plan will be a living document as we develop new datasets, and as we revise and improve previously identified ones. It will help us achieve our joint mission with NYS ITS to increase responsiveness, improve knowledge of our operation, and respond to needs identified by the public.

Our commitment

The MTA is committed to being open and accountable to the public, and today has a robust program to share a wide array of information. We welcome external review and validation of our work, and value the increased trust in our work that will bring. We also value third-party use of our data in innovative ways: to provide better customer information and service, and to propose new analytical approaches our teams can consider and use. You can read more about what we’re doing to further our transparency in our October 2021 Transparency Plan.

As a part of this, we have launched a renewed Open Data Program in which we will share substantially more data and make it easier to find and use. We promise to:

  1. Submit all data that we already make public on this website to the NYS Open Data Portal.
  2. Publish the data that we currently release via our monthly Board and Committee books.
  3. Develop by April 2022 a plan and schedule for sharing to the NYS Open Data Portal all publishable agency data.
  4. Implement our plan over the next three years.

We are also working with the Open NY team to publish all the data that we already release publicly to the NYS Open Data Portal, which will serve as the centralized home for our raw data. This first phase effort has three parts:

  • We already share a considerable amount of data: for example, schedule and real time information about our services and performance data on our dashboards. These datasets will be centralized. In the interim, we're sharing key performance indicators (KPIs); we will expand in the future to include rawer source data.
  • In February 2022 we began publishing the data behind many tables and charts presented in our Board and Committee books.
  • Throughout 2022 we will continue to improve the quality and granularity of this data, and develop automated processes to ensure that it is kept up to date.

Timeline showing activities within the Open Data Program


  • Published 38 new datasets since October 2021
  • 2 additional new datasets submitted for publishing
  • Chief Customer Officer Sarah Meyer has been appointed as our Data Coordinator, leading the MTA's open data practice and ensuring we are compliant with the MTA Open Data Act.
  • We are in the process of hiring an Assistant Director of Open Data Strategy and Analysis to lead the effort day to day.
Total published datasets 57
Up to date 50
Resolving automated data refresh issues 2
Restructuring data 2
Reviewing data 3


Identified for publishing since Oct 2021 46    
  Datasets   Links
Published to data.ny.gov since Oct 2021 38   -
Uploaded, pending final approval 2   -
Submitted for publishing -   -
Internal review -   6
In progress -   -
Planned tbd   -
Total 40   6