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Title VI/Non-Discrimination Policy

Updated Dec 22, 2021

Title VI notice to the public

The MTA and its affiliated and subsidiary agencies are committed to providing non-discriminatory service ensuring that no one is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to, discrimination in our programs, services, or activities on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

If you feel the MTA and its subsidiary and affiliated agencies (New York City Transit, Metro-North Railroad, Long Island Rail Road, MTA Bus Company, and MTA Construction and Development, herein collectively referred to as “MTA”) have discriminated against you on the basis of your of race, color, national origin (including Limited English Proficiency access), age, sex, disability, or religion, you may file a Title VI/Nondiscrimination complaint.

To file a complaint, complete the Title VI and Related Nondiscrimination Laws Complaint Management Form and send it to the address listed on the form. A complaint is considered filed as of the date it is received by any Customer Service or Equal Opportunity Office. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discrimination occurrence.

How to file a Title VI complaint

You may submit your completed, signed and dated complaint form in person or via mail to the Equal Opportunity Office address listed on the form. Each MTA agency has its own Equal Opportunity Office, and you can find those addresses here.

You may also make a complaint by phoning the appropriate Equal Opportunity Office, emailing titlevicomplaints@mtahq.org, or by contacting MTA Customer Service.

To request language assistance services free of cost, you can contact 511.

MTA Headquarters

Michael J. Garner, Chief Diversity Officer
Department of Diversity and Civil Rights
2 Broadway, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10004
EEO Hotline: 800-466-8577

MTA New York City Transit

Vice President
Department of EEO & Diversity
130 Livingston Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201

MTA Bus Company

Chief Equal Opportunity Officer
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
2 Broadway, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10004

MTA Long Island Rail Road

Director, Office of Diversity Management
Jamaica Station, 4th Floor
Mail Code #1141
Jamaica, NY 11435

MTA Metro-North Railroad

Director, Office of Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity
420 Lexington Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10170
EEO Hotline: 212-340-3350

MTA Construction & Development

Chief Equal Opportunity Officer
Department of Diversity and Equal Opportunity
2 Broadway, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Initial review of a complaint

Once the MTA receives a complaint, they will review it to determine if it qualifies as a Title VI complaint. They will also check if it was submitted within 180 days, and that it does not duplicate a previous complaint made by the same person. The Equal Opportunity Office may ask for more information, and the person filing the complaint will be given a reasonable amount of time to respond.

A complaint may not qualify as a Title VI complaint if it is filed outside of the 180-day window, if it duplicates a previous complaint, or if the Equal Opportunity Office determines that it is not covered by the MTA’s Title VI policy. In this case, the person who filed the complaint will be notified within 15 business days that the case will not be investigated as a Title VI complaint.

The Equal Opportunity Office may also close the complaint if additional information is not received, or if the person who filed the complaint does not cooperate with the investigation or indicates that they no longer wish to pursue the case.

Investigation of a complaint

If the Equal Opportunity Office determines that a complaint is a valid Title VI complaint, they will notify the person who filed the complaint that it has been accepted for investigation. The letter will also let the person know that they have the right to file directly with Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights.

The Equal Opportunity Office will investigate Title VI complaints for which it has sufficient information. Upon completion of an investigation, the person who filed the complaint will be notified of the outcome and any recommended corrective action.

Filing a complaint with U.S. Department of Transportation

You may also file a complaint directly with the U.S. Department of Transportation. You can contact them directly at:

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights
Complaint Team, East Building, 5th Floor—TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20590.